The High T hairlines: Assad and Weiner

UPDATE: I am looking for prominent people with 9/11 birthdays and, sure enough, Bashar al-Assad has a 9/11 birthday. So we both have a screwed up hairline and a screwed up birthday. Nice, maybe I ought to get to know this bastard a little better–we have a few things in common…

Below are pictures of Bashar al-Assad (right) dictator of Syria and Anthony Wiener (left) former U.S. Congressmen who resigned a few months after a sexual scandal. Check out their hairlines. Both have nice hair except for on their hairline corners where they both have that goofy recession that I have.

I beleive that neither of these men will go bald but they both have these hairlines because of high testosterone levels. It makes sense. Assas is a strongman dictator and Weiner can’t control his…. well, you know what I mean. Consider what one expert on CNN had to say about Weiner:

“And part of that, many scientists believe that part of the trend is that these guys, you can see even with him all the signs of high testosterone, not that all men with high testosterone are cheaters or are going to be, you know, acting on their sexual impulses this way.”

I agree with her and think that this is more evidence that high T can wreak havoc on the hairlines of guys that will otherwise have a full head of hair. I have thick hair and think I may keep it. With oral spiro hopefully I will get rid of the goofy recession so that I don’t look like these two clowns.

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1 Response to The High T hairlines: Assad and Weiner

  1. Mark says:

    Hey man

    I think your theory regarding T levels is incorrect. I had my T levels checked recently and they were almost at the bottom of the range. Having a good T level is essential in amny ways for a mans health and much of the age related decline is due to T levels declining.

    As i said, mine are not high and I’m NW2 aged 29.


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